Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tienda Santa Cruz- North Lombard

The long awaited has come. Many of our friends, Mexican and Californians alike have been ranting about this establishment. (When I say Mexican I mean she's Mexican when it's convenient). So we did it, we took the drive to St. John's. When walking in, it brings you right into the convenient store portion of the place, but as you head towards the back past the carts of pastries there's a entrance to a cafeteria area. It's a literal hole in the wall. The room is open and has white walls, a tiny bit of decoration, not really anything nice to look at. But bonus they have a tv in the corner playing a Spanish channel... so if you know your Spanish... The place quite literally looks like a middle school cafeteria. Perhaps even a high school one. In any case, don't be deceived by the room. Let's get to the tacos. $1!!!! Yes, $1 tacos and $1.25 for a mexican coke.  It was $5.25 for a meal! I ordered and sat down at one of the rickety tables and didn't have to wait long for the woman to bring me my food. Self serve sauce bar, limes come with the tacos. Yeah that's right, not lemons, but limes! The green sauce isn't the best I've had, but it doesn't matter because the tacos are phenomenal. Santa Cruz, I will come visit youz when I want tacos.

I give it a 4.9 out of 5. Position #1.

Everyone is a critic. Scratch that. We two are fucking critics and the rest can sit and spin. We went solo on this venture. This is the way it started. This is the way it was meant to be! Santa Cruz Numero Dos in Saint John's....a Mecca of tacofficianados. This is according to Californians. I won't say Mexicans, cuz I have not had the pleasure of meeting any yet, but I trust the opinion of a Californian when it comes to tacos and good porn. This place is a bit off of the beaten path, but it is soooo worth it! Situated within the belly of a Mexican grocer, Santa Cruz #2(more on that later), is a hidden gem. Apparently, this place is packed on summer weekends, but we're pros. We do it on Tuesdays. $1 tacos? Are you frickin kidding me? And a plethera of pineapple Jarritos?! Yeeeeeeeehaaaaaw! Look at these photos! No, not my sultry partners rack o' lamb, the TACOS. THE GLORIOUS FUCKING TACOS! FOR ONE DOLLAR PER! Insane with goodness! I was so happy to be eating alone with my p.i.c. that I could have just shit right there and then. Kinda like a rat did right by my chair. These little suckers were delish and I wanna go on permanent record that I never had any doubt in our Ethnic friend. She just needs to be patient. Patience gets ya the good stuff in life and we got it, baby! Each bite was bursting with flavor. The cilantro was snapping in my mouth! Viva la Santa Cruz! Oh...I went for the New Usual. A wise choice.

I give this place .6 Shit Stars out of a possible 5 Shit Stars. Not perfect, because of the rodent's rest room by my feet, but tasty in mah tacos....Mmmmmmmmm rat shit. Congratulations Santa Cruz! You are Numero Uno in my book!