Thursday, March 17, 2011

La Catrina- N Lombard and Albina

When you walk into a place that looks skeeze on the outside, you can only think...there is a chance this place is gonna have some fine ass tacos. In the case of La Catrina, we were poorly mistaken. We walked in and to our dismay there was a refrigerator almost depleted of drinks facing us and next to no decoration for dining. But, we took the chance anyhow.  Walked up to the order window and ordered 4 chicken tacos. The man behind the wall with broken english told me there was no pico de gallo. I said that was fine and paid the man $1.25 per taco by debit and walked around the corner to get all my sauces ready for the feast. Once again almost out of yet another item, there was just little mild sauce to be had and no limes! Scraped for one container of sauce and sat down to await the tacos. When they called me up to get them, turns out they were also out of cilantro and had substituted lettuce. Still I took them and sat down. Already to a bad start, I picked up a taco and the grease poured off the side. The tortillas were drenched with oil. I ate 3 because of my hunger, and left the last one to die a slow death in the trash. Perhaps a crow might eat it in a landfill, but no human should consume such waste...a waste of money is what La Catrina Catrasha is to anyone who loves tacos. 

I give it a -1 out of 5.

Jumpin Juan de Valdez! Was this place recently gutted and converted to a half-assed taco joint overnight?! The fact they had ONE pineapple Jarrito in the dilapidated cooling unit(I won't call it a fridge) was the ONLY saving grace to this rush job. I ordered 2 pollo and 2 carne asada aka The Usual. When I saw my comrade's minimal salsa, my heart sank. When I saw limp, greasy lettuce atop our ethnic friend's tacos, my blood boiled. And when that feller brought MY tacos out with a plethora of LEMON wedge. Done fucking deal! No cilantro?! No pico de gallo?! Freddie's is right up the fucking road! I'LL go buy the goddamn cilantro. The lady and I both agree. Horrifying...but at least I had a pineapple Jarrito. 

Whilst this was the genesis to our little quest, it get's 5 out of 5 shit stars. You don't want any shit stars for those keeping score.

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