Saturday, March 26, 2011

El Brasero-SE 12th and Hawthorne

Taco. Time. I have been to El Brasero many o'times prior to Taco Walk-O, but this is the first time that I have been there to judge. (Aside from judging the slew of drunkens in the wee hours). With these new eyes full of judgement I sat out to try the tacos they had to offer. My Brazilian hetero-life mate was my date as well as the Greek giant. The tacos are $1.50 each which is not too shabby of a deal. They did have mexican coke and that always brings a smile to my face. Though, the coke is in a plastic cooler sitting out, it's a good thing that the weather is still cold otherwise I'd have a warm one and that's just not right. We sat down at the adjacent picnic tables under the white canopy and although the truck itself is designed and painted the seating area just feels stale with fluorescent lighting, which does no justice for anyone. I understand that we live in Portland, but do not tease us with your heat lamps if they are not in working order! The wait was not long (though it was rather early in the night) and I received my tacos and sat back down. They had all the right ingredients: cilantro, chicken and onion,  and in addition, limes! But as I took a bite, there just seemed something was missing. The taco was bland and the cilantro was a little wilted. I added green sauce, but the sauce didn't do much to kick up the taste. I was disappointed, because I've had so many trips here. Unfortunately for El Brasero they fall into position #2 as Los Gorditos keeps the #1 position. Oh, and they can keep their radishes to themselves.

I will give them 3 out of 5. They ARE open until 3am drunkies.

Something about the name of this place piqued my interest. El Brasero. Brasero. The Brasero. Hmmmm. Very intriguing. Of course I had to get home and googlize this fucker. Guess what, taco wackos?! It is translated to BRAZIER!!! I was feasting on wittle bitty tacos at a place called The fucking BRAZIER! Yeeeeeehaw! I knew there was a reason to eat tacos under cover of night! I've steered away from the Old Usual and I know what you're saying...who fucking cares? Well, I do. The fact that I can step away from tradition once and a while and adventure into a New Usual is what makes me half of the best taco bloggers on the fucking planet. What the shit was my point? Oh. I got 2 al pastor instead of carne asada. That's the New Usual. Ogle the photo above my words. LIIIIIIIIIIIMES, you gringo sons-a-bitches!!! A good start. I HAD to go for the Mexi-cokes in the iceless cooler, because these fellers at the Los Tittyholder can't seem to stock any pineapple Jarritos. It's ok. I can deal with Mexi-coke. It's got caine, er uh, cane sugar. For real. It's the Real Thing. The pollo was chunked as opposed to shredded and the senorita and I agree that shredding may lead to a faster dry/moist ratio. "Just add a lil LIME", I say to myself. Nah. Didn't help. The al pastor was good though! A couple crunchy bits added to the texture and the green salsa was pretty dern zippy. I did have a couple grease pools gathering on my plate though. Not exactly sure if I consider this a pro or a con at this point. 
  On taste alone, the Mammary Mitten is pretty on point. However, the lack of pineapple Jarritos coupled with the fact that it is late March and not the best time for al fresca dining tripled with the fact that the cilantro looked to be over a week old and I STILL haven't had a BM? Ummmmm.

2.42 Shit Stars out of a possible 5 Shit Stars. For poor timing(cooooooold out!), lack of beverage of choice, and musty radishes. And finding out from Brazilian Chamillionaire that speed dating costs $50 in some cases. Are you FUCKING kidding me?!

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